The Ragtime Inspiration Behind BoM Stories

The Ragtime Inspiration Behind BoM Stories

When I was arranging the ragtime verse for Book of Mormon Stories, I immediately thought of an old friend from college that played a mean ragtime guitar. His name was Chad Jensen, but he was affectionately known as Lobster Claw because he only played with his thumb and first finger.

After posting Book of Mormon Stories, Chad and I somehow reconnected. (OK, it was Facebook.)  I told him about how he helped inspire the first verse of that arrangement.  Turns out all those year ago, Chad had done his own ragtime version of a primary hymn – I am a Child of God.  I can safely say, his ragtime skills far exceed mine.  He sent me a low-fi recording of it that he did way back when.  It’s perfect.  It sounds like an original recording straight from the ragtime era.

Chad has been kind enough to let me post that recording.  I bet if enough people speak up, we could even get him to write out the TABs for those who would like to learn how to play it.  I am certainly one of them!

  • Randall
    Posted at 11:05h, 07 August Reply

    Wow man, so fun to hear. Very enjoyable. Lobster claw has skills. Did he really do that with thumb and pointer?

    • Ben Howington
      Posted at 11:09h, 07 August Reply

      That’s all he ever used!

      • Randall
        Posted at 11:12h, 07 August Reply

        So then there is hope for me!!!! :) My only wish on this is that it were longer than 41 seconds…

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